The major objectives of the tribal council coordinator program are to: increase the number of volunteers in First Nation communities; increase opportunities to participate in training and leadership development, link with existing agencies and resources, provide educational and consultative support, and to promote the benefits of participating in sport, culture, and recreation activities.
The tribal council coordinators are part of the FSIN Sport, Culture, Recreation, and Youth Committee (SCRYC). The Committee provides direction and support to the:
FSIN Youth/Adult Championships
FN Summer/Winter Games
National Aboriginal Hockey Championships (NAHC)
North American Indigenous Games (NAIG)
Objectives in the area of SPORTS are to:
Attend monthly SCRYC meetings and support FSIN sport initiatives
Promote upcoming activities/events
Assist in the coordination of activities/events held by member First Nations
Develop athletes, coaches, and officials by providing clinics and programming
Plan, organize, and coordinate ID camps for First Nation Summer and Winter Games
Lead Team TATC Mission Staff and Coaches at the First Nation Games
Assist with grant-writing and reports
Link with the PSGBs (provincial sport governing bodies), SaskSport, ACOP (Aboriginal Coaching and Officials Program), Prairie Central District, and other related organizations to network, build relationships, and promote Sport
Culture & Recreation
Objectives for CULTURE and RECREATION are to:
Include more opportunities for Elders to interact with Youth to strengthen cultural beliefs, history, and traditions
Develop cultural awareness through crafts and art programs
Promote community powwows and culture camps
Access funding, workshops, and programs offered through SaskCulture, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, and other related organizations
Promote fitness, active living and other wellness initiatives