Bring unit up to the currant building code standard established by AANDC
Identify maintenance deficiencies the may affect the future of the unit and determine a cost estimate to repair the unit (using required inspection forms).
AANDC Fire Reports
Inspect and investigate home and surroundings following a fire to determine the cause of the fire damages, whereabouts of the fire truck, etc.
Relate any prior protection actions to help First Nations prevent any future loss of life/damage.
Fire Safety Inspections
Visit First Nations homes to determine if fire regulations are being followed (e.g. Installation of smoke detectors, proper chimneys, etc.) according to AANDC requirements in order to reduce risk of fire.
Ensure the police are contacted if a death has occurred or arson is suspected.
Capital Asset Inventory System Quantity Based (CAIS)
Provide a currant inventory of all First Nation assets to update the CAIS record to justify the level of funding and to help prioritize projects.
Asset Condition Recording System Quality Based (ACRS)
Carry out inspections of all assets maintained by the First Nation that are listed on the
CAIS in accordance with AANDC user instructions.
Update ACRS based on information received from the inspection.
Prepare ACRS reports including input into ACRS database (DBACRS)
Consult with Engineer/Consultant to approve and/or complete reports
Capital Management Database (CMDB)
Update the CMDB information (e.g. Housing information such as sewer and water changes, renovations, etc.)
Update Housing Maps (e.g. enter locations of new homes/deleting old units and Providing First Nations with updated tenant lists and maps annually.
Provide other surveying and mapping services required by the First Nation.
Input data into AANDC Website.
CMHC New Construction
Plan examination/reviews – Examine plans and specification to determine that the finished product will reasonably conform to the prescribed standards of construction and the National Building Code Regulations.
Undertake all required inspections, including: Site inspections, Pre-backfill inspections, vapour Barrier Inspections, Final Inspections, and any other inspections deemed necessary.
CMHC Physical Condition Reviews
Identify maintenance deficiencies that may affect the future of the unit and determine a cost estimate to repair the unit (using required inspection forms).
Discuss findings with the Housing Coordinator.
Input the data onto the CMHC Physical Condition Review Database.
CMHC RRAP Program The technical Services Department performs the following duties:
Work Specification – gives a detailed description of the deficiencies to be repaired and relevant to the National Building Code 1995.